Quick Tricks: Casio Programming Calculators and webcal.freetzi.com
The website is in Chinese (I believe) and I am grateful for Google Translate because I am not proficient in Chinese.
On this page advanced programs for the fx-3650p including:
* Gamma Function, Elliptic Functions (for x<1), Beta, Zeta, and other special functions
* Determinant of a 3 x 3 Matrix
* Squaring a square matrix
* 4 and 8 point Fast Fourier Transform
* Geometry: Distance from a point to a line, area from a set of vertices
* Prime Factorization
* Engineering Programs: Snell’s Laws, Prism, Ohm’s law
* Days between Dates, Day of the Week
If you have a Casio programming calculator, check this awesome website out.
While I was learning to code the programs myself, I notice there were several tricks that were used to save space. I want to test the tricks for the Casio fx-5800p and Casio fx-9860GII (Linear Input Mode). The case for the fx-9860GII should be the same for other modern Casio graphing calculators (9750g, Prizm).
Quickly Setting X = 1 and Y = 0
Syntax: Pol(1,0)
Calculators: fx-3650p only
Note: Pol(1,0) sets I to 1 and J to 0 for the fx-5800p.
Note: Pol(1,0) sets I to 1 and J to 0 for the fx-5800p.
The Power of Implied Multiplication
Most Casio programming calculators have only single-letter variables, which allows for implied multiplication. For example, typing AB multiples the values stored in A and B. In the examples listed below, I use variables A and B, but it applies to all the other variables.
Implied Multiplication and Square Root
Syntax: √AB
What it calculates: √(A*B)
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-5800p, fx-9860GII
Example: A = 5, B = 10; √AB returns 7.071067812 (√50)
Implied Multiplication and Powers
Syntax: n^AB
What it Calculates: (n^A)*B
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-9860GII (linear input only)
Example: 2^AB where A = 5, B = 10; 2^AB returns 320 (2^5*10)
The Jump Function Shortcuts
If the Expression is Nonzero
Syntax: (var/expression) ⇒ (execute this statement of var/expression ≠ 0) : (next command)
The next command must exist or an error occurs
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-5800p, fx-9860GII
Example: Ask for A and B. Divide A by B, unless B is 0.
? → A: ? → B: B ⇒ A ÷ B: Ans
A = 13.5, B = 2.7, result is 5
A = 13.5, B = 0, result is whatever is last stored in Ans
Using the Jump Function to create an AND condition
Connecting two or more jump functions (⇒) to create an AND condition.
Syntax – 2 Conditions:
(condition 1) ⇒ (condition 2) ⇒ (do if conditions 1 and 2 are true) : (next command)
Syntax – 3 Conditions:
(cond 1) ⇒ (cond 2) ⇒ (cond 3) ⇒ (do if all three conditions are 3) : (next command)
Example: Calculate the eccentricity of an ellipse, assuming A ≥ B. If anything improper is entered, -1 is returned.
? → A: ? → B: -1 → C: A ≥ B ⇒ A > 0 ⇒ B > 0 ⇒ √(1 – B2/A2 → C: C
A = 11.5, B = 3.6, result 0.949738796
A = 6, B = 8, result -1
A = -2, B = 1, result -1
Independent Memory
M+: Calculate the expression, add to M and store the result to M
M-: Calculate the expression, subtract from M and store the result to M
Syntax: (expression) M+, (expression) M-
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-5800p.
Note: This should work on any Casio calculator with M+ and M- available on the keyboard.
Store 7 in M.
3^2 + 4 M+ returns 13 in the display, with M = 20
2^3 – 1 M- returns in the display, with M = 13
Absolute Value
Does you calculator not have an absolute value function? Try this trick:
Syntax: √A2
What it calculates: |A|
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-5800p, fx-9860GII
Examples: A = 55, B = -55
√A2 returns 55
√B2 returns 55
Extracting the Integer Part of a Number when the Function Int/Intg is not available
Two ways to do it:
* Syntax: Fix 0: Rnd: Norm 1
* Syntax: Switch the fx-3650p to Base Mode, 3 for Decimal, then enter your program
The Last Answer (Ans) skips over a prompt
Syntax: (calculation): ? → var: f(Ans)
Calculators: fx-3650p, fx-5800p, fx-9860GII
Example: Calculate 5^1.5, ask for A, and add it to 5^1.5
5^1.5 : ? → A: Ans + A
Let A = 2, the result is 13.18033989
Let A = 9.75, the result is 20.93033989
Happy Leap Year Day! Talk to you next time,
This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2016
Quick Tricks: Casio Programming Calculators and webcal.freetzi.com
Reviewed by Anonymous
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