What is SOPA and what brings it?
The SOPA concept debated in the US public has begun to generate an international reaction. What is this SOPA and what brings it? If you are wondering what the SOPA is, we have searched for the details. It is to be removed on the Internet to fight off pirate content.
To remove the Internet for pirated content CWA requested and short name of the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act - Online Piracy Stop) illegal material content providers with the draft law access to the sites is given the right to prohibit access. If enacted, the bill discussed the future of the United States alleges a serious internet censorship worldwide.
like this has been happening in our country at a time United States that may arise if the same until the bill became law. Moreover, the law allows not only the US but also foreign places to intervene.
Film and laws supported by the music industry including Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, PayPal, LinkedIn, Mozilla, by companies such as eBay and AOL censorship will bring 'concerns had been criticized.
But there are also some supporters of this law in the United States. For example, Go Daddy announced that he was supporting the named domain company SOPA. This explanation after internet users have reacted to the company and had been transferred to 100 thousand domains other companies.
if the enactment of the law on what is legal and what is illegal will be accepted there are serious concerns. Accordingly, even a video shared on YouTube will be considered illegal. The point of that appeal could be exploited by users of this law and the concern that shut down the site where you want when you want.
Meanwhile, reacting to stick to close access to today English Wikipedia pages. Many blogs on the internet have similar responses, closing a site for access to a blog. USA, Internet, pirate
What is SOPA and what brings it?
Reviewed by dicky

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