AMD Introduces 32-Core Processor This Fall!
The competition between Intel and AMD is still heating up. AMD has announced its full 32-core processor now available to end users. In the presentation of the company, the corresponding processor appeared. Much will change in the name of high-performance chips in the autumn months.
The competition between Intel and AMD is still heating up. AMD has announced its full 32-core processor now available to end users. In the presentation of the company, the corresponding processor appeared. Much will change in the name of high-performance chips in the autumn months.Just a few hours after Intel introduced its Core i7-8086K processor, which can reach 28-core and full 5Ghz turbo speed, and was announced in limited edition, AMD went on stage. The company, which offers the second-generation Threadripper processor architecture, has announced that it has doubled the number of cores and workpieces.
The Threadripper processor, which contains a total of four 8-core Ryzen processor chips, is designed to meet the needs of high performance users. At the same time, the new generation of processors with 64 threads (also called virtual cores) will be a hub where you can do two things at the same time. Thus, the total performance can be doubled when needed. The good news is that this processor can adapt to the current platform.
Of course one of the biggest problems of such a processor will be the high heat levels. For this reason, after introducing the Threadripper, AMD also introduced Cooler Master supported cooling systems. AMD says the processor will not come out of the box with an additional cooling system. This means that the receivables must have an ideal system with water cooling.
AMD Introduces 32-Core Processor This Fall!
Reviewed by dicky

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