The new target will be mobile devices!

The new target will be mobile devices!

According to Trend Micro: 2011 has been a year of data security technology, in 2012 attacks will concentrate on mobile devices and cloud computing. According to Trend Micro, the world's leading provider of content security:

According to Trend Micro: 2011 is the year of data security in technology security, and attacks will focus on mobile devices and cloud computing in 2012.

According to Micro: Technology safety has been the year 2011 data leakage, in 2012, attacks will focus on mobile devices and cloud computing.

The new target will be mobile devices!

Trend Micro, the world's leading provider of content and cloud security, announced its 2012 forecasts by evaluating 2011 with a press conference Wednesday (January 18th). Turkey in 2011 as revenue in the segment of individual security solutions 100% Growing Trend Micro grew by 25% in the SME and corporate security solutions segment.

During the meeting, Trend Micro's share goals and strategies in the Turkey market, Trend Micro Mediterranean Region Countries Director Ercan Aydın stated that 2011 will be the year of warming for themselves and 2012 will be the year of growth. Ercan Aydin, who said that they predicted that 100% growth in 2011 will continue in 2012, will be 40% in 2012 for Trend Micro's leadership in cloud and virtualization security solutions, which is 25% in 2011 and SME and corporate segment growth in 2012 he said.

"We left behind a year of struggle with data leaks that could cause massive amounts of information and financial losses," Ferguson said, noting Trend Micro's annual report on 2011 as "Data Leakage Yearbook" and face-to-face attacks by famous brands of data theft.
This report, prepared by Trend Micro researchers, is going back to the predictions of the past year and summarizing the content of the threats to address the gains in 2011.

- Mobile In 2011, he made the ceiling. According to Trend Micro threat researchers, the most targeted platform for mobile malware is Android. Two of the most popular types of Android malware, RuFraud and DroidDreamLight, have come a long way because millions of users are losing money and money.

- In 2011, social media follows up on the agenda and uses social engineering and hacking tactics to create unwanted messages it was a fairly profitable backdrop for assignees and fraudsters.

- According to the official figures, the security vulnerabilities were 4,451 in 2010 and 4,155 in 2011. In the meantime, , but the actual attacks have become much more complex and versatile.
- Finally, 2011 was a year of safety, as well as the expansion of the cybercriminal field. Trend Micro played a key role in achieving strategic gains as a result of work conducted with industry partners and government forces.

Ferguson has been working with the FBI for nearly five years with Operation Ghost Click, and Trend Micro's close work with the FBI as a result. "I am proud that we are able to go back to 2011 and look at it. But the job is not over. 3.5 new threats are created every second. Institutions and end-users are rapidly moving toward the cloud, increasing the risk of data and financial loss as never before. "
Attacks targeting RSA and Sony PlayStation directly affected consumers. The information that was stolen after the attack on RSA was used to attack Lockheed Martin, the US government's largest IT provider. Sony had to turn off the PlayStation Network (PSN), which included users.

The number of malicious Android applications can exceed 120 by the end of 2012

The mobile threats The scale is growing, especially with Android threats. The two most prominent malware, RuFraud and DroidDreamLight, lost millions of users of data, time and money. RuFraud was able to directly infiltrate Google's official app store Android Market and was recently introduced to users until Google realized on the celebrated platform to make 10 billion downloads. DroidDreamLight was seen in third-party app stores in China.

The current trend will continue at the same pace, according to Rik Ferguson, director of Trend Micro EMEA Security Research and Communications, at the end of 2012, when malicious software was posted by cyber criminals by stealing all the content of the device and personal information.

Social media is the most productive platform for attackers.

Attackers using social engineering and hacking tactics and tools will have a new "Currency."

For example, The news, as reported by the BBC, that Lady Gaga was dead, hunted the users by roaming the social networks with fake links to the whistle of Irene or the arrest of Usame bin Laden.

False surveys have also taken over the privacy of users and caused bank accounts to be evicted by attackers.

Looking at the three most shared personalities on social media, email addresses, places of habitat, and readings seem to be clearly visible. In the most common types of Facebook attacks, "unknowingly citing a page" is in the first place. Fake applications and spam campaigns are also being used by attackers a lot.

Social security risks include the top three:

This year, vulnerabilities have declined, diversity has increased.

According to official figures, security vulnerabilities will be exploited in 2011, fell to 4 thousand 155. The previous year, 4 thousand 651 security incidents appeared.
According to Rik Ferguson, director of Trend Micro EMEA Security Research and Communications, the trend in 2011 will continue in 2012 and the attacks will become even more complex.

Attacks shaped according to political developments marked 2011

Groups called "haktivist" like Anonymous and LulSec attacked the institutions they set around the world, suggesting political developments . These attacks, which caused data theft or system malfunction with DDoS attacks, left both private and government institutions in a difficult situation. Ferguson; The people behind groups like LulzSec did not stop in the new year. At the end of the year, Stratfor, one of the most important think tanks in the US, has been attacked and announcing that members' credit card information has been stolen. LulzSec attacked when Anonymous indicated that he was not involved in this attack. There were 68 thousand credit cards, 859 thousand e-mail addresses, 50 thousand telephone numbers and 860 thousand codes scattered in the US.

Trend Micro and its security forces have achieved tremendous successes against cybercrime.

2011 was a year of significant success in cybercrime war despite all its challenges.
Rustock spambotnet (the zombie computer network that sends unwanted messages) is crashing. According to TrendLabs, there was a 95% reduction in Rustock spam messages on this number. Microsoft, meanwhile, gave the Russian newspapers an announcement that they would give $ 250,000 to the Rustock gang members who reported their identities.
During the mid-June 2011 Coreflood operation by the FBI, the servers that attacked the cheerleaders were deactivated. Kelihos spambot was also terminated as a result of Microsoft's intensive work in September 2011, when the IP addresses of the management servers were blocked without notice from the user.
Operation Ghost Click was the scene of the biggest detention in history. The intense work of Trend Micro and the FBI resulted in the collapse of the cracked gang confiscated primarily by 100 servers in two data centers in Chicago and New York. In Estonia, six suspects, including Rove Digital CEO Vladimir Tsastsin, were arrested. The bank accounts of the suspects were frozen.
As a result of the work carried out by the Ukrainian Security Services, the Trident Breach gang has been captured.
What will happen next in 2012?
In the coming year, we can define what threats will come to light in four main categories:

- Mobile architecture

- Threat architecture

- Data leakage and exploits

Trend Micro EMEA Region Security Research and Communications "Looking at these predictions, we see that PC-focused attacks on the desktop are much more complex and multifaceted," said Rik Ferguson, executive director of the company. Our benefit is that new operating systems make the world safer. Due to the use of personal devices for business use, virtualization and cloud, our customers will need effective security and privacy by leaning towards more data-focused models. We at Trend Micro will continue to work towards providing our customers with protection against threats in 2012, according to their needs. "
When attackers target virtual machines and cloud computing services, attackers will not need to find a different solution .

Virtual and cloud platforms are easy to attack but difficult to protect.

Security and data leakage will force companies around the world to "use their working devices" by 2012.

We live in the age of "bring your own device". The storage of more corporate data or access from the devices can not be completely controlled by the IT executives. This will cause data loss incidents to be more visible due to personal devices that are not adequately protected.

Threats on mobile platforms are often a nuisance as a malicious application.

More hacker groups are also facing significant threats to capture the most important information of companies

In 2011, hacker groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec targeted companies and individuals for various political reasons.

New social networking will redefine "privacy"

The younger generation will be redefining "privacy" in the new year. social network users will have different attitudes about protecting and sharing information: they will want to open up their personal data beyond their own friends. At that time, more conscious users of personal privacy will become targets for attackers.

Trend Micro, Internet, mobile, cloud computing, Siber Attack
The new target will be mobile devices! The new target will be mobile devices! Reviewed by dicky on 06:19 Rating: 5

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